Monday, November 1, 2010

A day in the life

We live in a hilly part of Barcelona...

near Dante Alighieri Street.

There are many stairs and...

escalators on the streets! (there are two escalators in this picture)

We can see our work (look for the tall clock tower and church)
from Dante Alighieri. 

(Almost) Everyday we buy fresh bread...

and fresh fruits and vegetables.

We can buy dried meats, or...

fresh meat and...

fish. (Check out the knife that the fishmonger is holding).
On nice days we drink coffee outside...

and watch kids ride the carousel-like thing.


  1. Looks pretty cold there! It's a bit blustery in Chapel Hill today as well.

  2. Those escalators seriously are awesome :)

  3. Great pictures Tabitha! Looks like you guys are having a blast there!

  4. I love the pictures!! My student provide less exciting views. However today one of them informed me that there is nicotine in tomatoes. :)
